La biología evolutiva nos indica que, al madurar, algunas funciones del sistema nervioso migran de un sitio a otro dentro del cerebro. Rodolfo Riascos Llinas, El cerebro y el mito del yo. Capítulo: Las cualias desde el punto de vista funcional.
Structuralist approaches to Language and Culture [1, 2] are reinforced by the success of “gene centered” approaches to molecular evolutionary biology [3]. In this behalf, the Utilitarian program has to account for the corresponding counterparts to these Analytic approaches. Utilitarian approaches to Language and Culture are well known on the field of social philosophy [4]. On the other side, few is known about the utilitarian approaches to molecular evolutionary biology, at least in the social philosophy community. Here I remit to the literature of utilitarian biology as developed by the so called Biosemiotic program. It is important to realize that utilitarian literature is not as “clear” as analytic literature; ambiguity is a (con)natural sensation when reading utilitarianism; to express in a clear way utilitarian reasoning is a difficult task and gives rise to many misconceptions. I would like to refer to three authors for an introduction to utilitarian biology: for its global vision of Biosemiotics, Kalevi Kull; for fundamental insights into utilitarianism in molecular biology, the work of Lynn Margulis and Eva Jablonka, the latter having a conscious utilitarian approach. In particular I want to remit to two texts: Copy vr. translate, meme vs. sign: development of biological textuality, by Kalevi Kull, and Evolution in Four Dimensions, by Eva Jablonka.
[1] Noam Chomsky’s Generative Grammars.
[2] Richard Dawkin’s Memetic approach to culture.
[4] Here I use the word Utilitarian to refer to a collection of approaches such as: Piercean Pragamtism, Russian Formalist Semiotics, Mill's Utilitarianism, Voloshinov's Linguistic Materialism, Poststructuralism, Cognitive Functionalism, etc. These, often divergent approaches appear unified as an Analytical Criticism.
Front cover from the book Evolution in Four Dimensions by Eva Jablonka
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